Search Engine Optimization
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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Pool Builders
What Is SEO?
Google has a math formula (called their “algorithm”) that determines where websites are ranked, and they tweak and update this formula every day. In 2013 it is rumored that they made over 400 tweaks to the factors that determine where a website is ranked. These factors include things like how fast your website loads, what type of content is on your site, how long visitors are staying, and how many people are “linking” back to you. Google counts the number of links that you have going to your website and they tally them as votes. Often, the website with the most ‘votes’, wins the popularity contest and are placed at the top. For instance, if 100 people link back to Website A, and 0 people link back to Website B, then it’s pretty likely that Google is going to rank Website A ahead of Website B.
Google’s Ranking Factors
- Backlinks 99%
- On-Page Optimization 90%
- Web Content 80%
- Social Signals 70%
Panda, Penguin, & Hummingbird
Panda – The panda update was released to clean up a bunch of low quality, spammy sites from Google’s search results. If you have a webpage that has little content and a high bounce rate, it is likely that you could have lost rankings. Google wants to highlight pages that have useful content that consumers like. You should be designing your website so people stay on it for more than 30 seconds, and so that they click through to other pages on your website. Video is becoming more popular because it is likely that someone will watch your video for more than 30 seconds, and if you instruct them navigate through your website, this is even better.
Penguin – There is lots of speculation on the reason behind the penguin algorithm update. Many say that it was to punish website owners who were trying to manipulate their organic rankings by building manufactured backlinks in mass. Other people say Google wanted to “shake up” the organic rankings in order to increase their PPC program. And quite frankly, the accomplished both goals. It is now very important that you know and trust your SEO provider, and it’s also recommended that you have a strong PPC strategy.
Hummingbird – The hummingbird update was a complete re-write of Google’s algorithm. Google wants to focus on “conversational search phrases” rather than “search strings”. Many experts think it is targeted towards the emerging mobile community, thinking that many more people will be talking into their phones to perform a search. For instance, using Siri to ask “who is the best pool builder in Phoenix?” We have yet to see much effect from Hummingbird, but you have to informed with the latest updates that Google is making!
Links Are Not Dead!
However if we want to really find out if backlinks are dead, let’s ask the head of Google’s spam team, the infamous Matt Cutts:
SEO for Pool Builders
If you a have website, but it is not on the top of Google’s organic results, you are not using your website to its full ability and losing potential consumers looking for a pool builder. Let us help you out. Send us an email with your website and your target market, and we’ll give it a look and even pull your rankings to see where you stand. Then we’ll get back with you on what we would suggest doing first. No obligation at all.